Saturday, September 21, 2013

First Timers (Part 2)

I was looking back on what I wrote in My "First Timers" post back in January, and I realized that didn't really go into detail on how to skate- a little stupid of me in retrospect, seeing as how one generally needs to know how to skate in order to do it....

My first reccomendation, as stupid as it may seem, is this; once you get your skates on nice and tight, walk around in them for a minute or two before you get on the ice. Especially if you're a little bit aprehensive, it can help to get used to the feel of the blade and the weight of the boot before you get on the ice.

My second reccomendation probably seems even more stupid (and maybe bordering on humiliating) than the first. I want you to find an open area in the lobby, or wherever it is you put your skates on, and fall down.

That's right. Fall down. On your butt. In a public place.
On purpose.

Because if you don't do it now, while you're still on dry land and what not, it's going to seem a lot scarier once you step out onto the ice. Again, this is especially important if you have any trepidation about skating for the first time.

Now to get back up....
The easiest way to go about this is to get on your hands and knees, swing one knee in front (like what people do when they propose), put your hands on that knee, and push up. Easy enough!
Beware some pit-falls, though. Don't try to get up while still sitting on your backside. If you do, you'll end up sliding back and doing some sort of spastic crab walk. The other main caveat is when you are on one knee and you go to stand up. You don't want to put your hands on the ice if you can help it. The higher up you can get your hands, the easier it will be to push off them and stand up. I've seen people doubled over and not quite able to get up because their hands were still on the ice. Not the most dignified position ever.

Once you get on the ice for real, the best thing to do (at least for starters) is to march around. You can visualize yourself walking down the street, pretend you're a brave soldier off to battle, whatever strikes your fancy. Make sure you keep your arms out and your head up. As the old adage goes, you'll go wherever you're looking, so it's best not to look down.

I hope this helped a little bit more, and happy skating!=D